A bit about migraines
A bit about migraines, migraines have many etiologies and finding root causes can be a daunting task. Here are 3 possible root causes:
1. Hidden dental infections and cavities. For help, seek a qualified dentist.
2. Unbalanced blood glucose (sugar). Ask your MD for an A1C test. This test provides an average of 3 months of your blood glucose. If the number is high, work with a registered dietitian (RD) and your MD.
3. You may have food sensitivities. Keep a log of foods you eat. Remove and reintroduced foods that you think you are reacting to every 3 weeks. Then omit or avoid foods that trigger the symptoms. Please note food sensitivities are not anaphylactic (allergic) reactions or food intolerances, but delayed reactions that might take hours, days or weeks. These reactions usually affect your immune system and can possibly trigger an autoimmune disorders.
There are advanced testing for these type of foods sensitivities. Work with your healthcare provider.
If you need guidance or more information, I will be happy to share my knowledge. Feel free to contact me.